Weight loss and ideal weight

Feeling good about your body, is this not one of the small pleasures that can change your life? Of course, it is not always easy to truly commit to getting started, but once you start acquiring good habits, it all becomes much easier. The combination of personal training with a nutrition programme is the ideal way to reach your goals. By working with Mathieu Wagner, your personal trainer, your motivation will grow from day to day. What seemed difficult to achieve will become entirely possible.

A complete method

To sculpt your body, regular physical activity is essential. You have to choose the best physical activity to burn calories and decrease body fat. Your trainer will help you select what is best suited both to your morphology and to your preferences: running, walking, cycling, circuit training…

To obtain lasting results, exercise should be associated not with a diet, but with nutritional rebalancing in order to be truly effective. It is not a question of avoiding certain foods, but rather varying what you eat and eating in moderation to maintain a healthy and durable lifestyle.

If you want to return to your ideal bodyweight, you need to change your eating habits by decreasing your calorie intake and increasing the calories you burn. It is all a question of balance.

Mathieu Wagner will create your custom-tailored programme with a detailed nutrition plan to help you acquire the right habits to achieve results.

«  To transform the initial motivation into a simple long-lasting habit  »

Targeting what matters to you

When you lose weight without the help of a personal trainer, the skin around your arms, neck, belly and thighs may start to sag. Certain exercises can help avoid this slackening. Each exercise is designed to not only tighten up the skin, but also tone up and firm your muscles:

  • Abdominal muscles
  • Buttocks
  • Adductors
  • Hamstrings
  • Biceps
  • Triceps

If your goal relates only to a specific area of your body, Mathieu Wagner will make it the top priority in your programme. Keep in mind, however, that to obtain targeted results, you must often implement multiple solutions that combine the action of a large number of muscles, well beyond the area in question. It is this knowledge that is so valuable. Attention to detail and custom monitoring are the key guarantees for starting your weight loss coaching sessions.

If you had to retain just one piece of advice: Get started! The first session is the first step towards achieving your results.